Virginia Woolf and the Russians: readings of Russian literature in British modernism (Protopopova D.)

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Protopopova Darya.

Virginia Woolf and the Russians: readings of Russian literature in British modernism : [Dissertations & Theses : Degree: D.Phil.] / Darya Protopopova ; University of Oxford. – Oxford, 2010. – English. – Сведения из БД ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global.

Из содерж. дис.: Chapter 6 explores Woolf’s rediscovery of Turgenev, and examines Woolf’s life-long interest in Tolstoy the man.

Доступа к тексту диссертации в БД ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global и British Library EThOS нет. Именной: Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Tolstoy, Virginia Woolf[[category:]]