The war (and the peace) between the verbal and the visual in Russian literary and painterly realism (Brunson M.J.)

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Brunson Molly Jo.

The war (and the peace) between the verbal and the visual in Russian literary and painterly realism [Электронный ресурс] : A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Slavic Languages and Literatures in the Graduate Division of the University of California, Berkeley / by Molly Jo Branson. – Berkeley, 2009. – 351 p. – English. – ISBN: 9781124035338. – Доступ из БД ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global (дата обращения 20.07.2017). – Режим доступа лицензионный.

Из содерж. дис.: Chapter 2 : A Mirror on the Road? Roads, Paths, Landscapes, and Other Ways of Engaging Critical Realism . P. 88–156.

Анализ построен на основе «Записок охотника» и романа «Отцы и дети» И.С. Тургенева и картины В.Г. Перова «Тройка».