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Ниже показано до 50 результатов в диапазоне от 301 до 350.
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- Patriotica. Россия. Родина. Чужбина (Струве П.Б.)
- Pauline Viardot's Russian compositions (Hunsaker A.J.)
- Pauline Viardot (Heitmann Ch.)
- Perfect Worlds: Utopian Fiction in China and the West (Fokkema D.W.)
- Perfecting peasant perspectives: Ivan Turgenev and Ernest Gaines (Edge James Preston)
- Pisarze rosyjscy a Polska (Trochimiak J.W., 2006)
- Poetica romanelor lui I. S. Turgheniev (Cristian A.)
- Poetics of Prose (Axelrod M.)
- Possible worlds of the fantastic (Traill N.H.)
- Potential and idea: Konstantin Nikolaevich Leont'ev adapts physiognomy for literary aesthetics, 1857-1863 (Kitson T.J.)
- Pozytywista, ale jaki? : światopogląd Iwana Turgieniewa w latach, 1848–1883 (Koprowski Р.)
- Primadonna (Schreeb H.D.)
- Primadonna (Schreeb H.D., 2007)
- Primerjava strukture romanov Plemiško gnezdo, Na predvečer in Obrov v luči sporov obeh avtorjev (Dolinšek Nuša)
- Problema kharaktera v tvorchestve I.S. Turgeneva (Aslanova K.)
- Probleme de filologie slavă (2007)
- Psychological realism in 19th century fiction : studies in Turgenev, Tolstoy, Eliot and Brontë (Sen D.)
- Puskintól Tolsztojig és tovább
- Reading revolution: Russian émigrés and the reception of Russian literature in England, c. 1890-1905 (Peaker C.L.)
- Recension de la traduction de la vie de Tourguéniev de Boris Zaitsev, traduction réa liséepar Anne Kichilov (Ossipow Ch. S.)
- Representations of ‘the Jew’ in the writings of Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev (Katz E.M.)
- Res Philologica. Вып.3.
- Res traductorica
- Retemperando o drama : convenção e inovação segundo a crítica teatral dos anos 1890 (Monteiro V.С.)
- Russia's golden age
- Russian Culture and Modern Northeast Literature (Jin Gang)
- Russian Roots in Southern Soil (Edge J.P.)
- Russian Writers and the Fin de Siècle
- Russian memoirs : writers through the eyes of their contemporaries in the nineteenth century
- Russian minimalism (Wanner A.)
- Russian novelists in the age of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
- Russian text (19th century) and antiquity
- Russian thinker Lev Shestov from a literary perspective (Tabachnikova O.)
- Russians abroad : literary and cultural politics of diaspora (1919-1939) (Slobin G.N.)
- Russische Wege in Baden-Baden (Effern R.)
- Russischer Faust und Hamlet zur Subjektivismuskritik und Intertextualität bei I.S. Turgenev (Rothkoegel A.)
- Russland in Europa – Europa in Russland
- Russland – Österreich : literarische und kulturelle Wechselwirkungen
- Scenarios of Power in Turgenev’s First Love (Kliger I.)
- Shadows of the Gothic: Adapted Terror in Russian Fiction, 1792–1905 (Bowers K.A.)
- Shakespeare e Turgenev (Šestov L.)
- Situating the beast: Animals and animal imagery in nineteenth- and twentieth -century Russian literature (McDowell A.R.)
- Slavica (2004)
- Slavica litteraria
- Some signed books by French authors from the Paris library of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (Waddington P.)
- Stranger shores (Coetzee J.M.)
- Studia Russica (2003)
- Studia Russica (2004)
- Studia polonorossica
- Studia slavica. Вып. 10
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