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  1. Perfecting peasant perspectives: Ivan Turgenev and Ernest Gaines (Edge James Preston)
  2. Pisarze rosyjscy a Polska (Trochimiak J.W.)
  3. Pisarze rosyjscy a Polska (Trochimiak J.W., 2006)
  4. Poetica romanelor lui I. S. Turgheniev (Cristian A.)
  5. Poetics of Prose (Axelrod M.)
  6. Possible worlds of the fantastic (Traill N.H.)
  7. Potential and idea: Konstantin Nikolaevich Leont'ev adapts physiognomy for literary aesthetics, 1857-1863 (Kitson T.J.)
  8. Pozytywista, ale jaki? : światopogląd Iwana Turgieniewa w latach, 1848–1883 (Koprowski Р.)
  9. Primadonna (Schreeb H.D.)
  10. Primadonna (Schreeb H.D., 2007)
  11. Primerjava strukture romanov Plemiško gnezdo, Na predvečer in Obrov v luči sporov obeh avtorjev (Dolinšek Nuša)
  12. Problema kharaktera v tvorchestve I.S. Turgeneva (Aslanova K.)
  13. Probleme de filologie slavă (2007)
  14. Psychological realism in 19th century fiction : studies in Turgenev, Tolstoy, Eliot and Brontë (Sen D.)
  15. Puskintól Tolsztojig és tovább
  16. Reading revolution: Russian émigrés and the reception of Russian literature in England, c. 1890-1905 (Peaker C.L.)
  17. Recension de la traduction de la vie de Tourguéniev de Boris Zaitsev, traduction réa liséepar Anne Kichilov (Ossipow Ch. S.)
  18. Representations of ‘the Jew’ in the writings of Nikolai Gogol, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev (Katz E.M.)
  19. Res Philologica. Вып.3.
  20. Res traductorica
  21. Retemperando o drama : convenção e inovação segundo a crítica teatral dos anos 1890 (Monteiro V.С.)
  22. Russia's golden age
  23. Russian Culture and Modern Northeast Literature (Jin Gang)
  24. Russian Roots in Southern Soil (Edge J.P.)
  25. Russian Writers and the Fin de Siècle
  26. Russian memoirs : writers through the eyes of their contemporaries in the nineteenth century
  27. Russian minimalism (Wanner A.)
  28. Russian novelists in the age of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky
  29. Russian text (19th century) and antiquity
  30. Russian thinker Lev Shestov from a literary perspective (Tabachnikova O.)
  31. Russians abroad : literary and cultural politics of diaspora (1919-1939) (Slobin G.N.)
  32. Russische Wege in Baden-Baden (Effern R.)
  33. Russischer Faust und Hamlet zur Subjektivismuskritik und Intertextualität bei I.S. Turgenev (Rothkoegel A.)
  34. Russland in Europa – Europa in Russland
  35. Russland – Österreich : literarische und kulturelle Wechselwirkungen
  36. Scenarios of Power in Turgenev’s First Love (Kliger I.)
  37. Shadows of the Gothic: Adapted Terror in Russian Fiction, 1792–1905 (Bowers K.A.)
  38. Shakespeare e Turgenev (Šestov L.)
  39. Situating the beast: Animals and animal imagery in nineteenth- and twentieth -century Russian literature (McDowell A.R.)
  40. Slavica (2004)
  41. Slavica litteraria
  42. Some signed books by French authors from the Paris library of Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (Waddington P.)
  43. Stranger shores (Coetzee J.M.)
  44. Studia Russica (2003)
  45. Studia Russica (2004)
  46. Studia polonorossica
  47. Studia slavica. Вып. 10
  48. Tegenover Dostojevski : de mooiste vriendschap uit de Russische literatuur (Kleinpaste T.)
  49. Test1
  50. Text Unity and Cohesion of Dostoevsky’s Writer’s Diary (Sekirin P.)

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